10 Citizen’s Rights And Restrictions You Should Know About


10 Citizen’s Rights And Restrictions You Should Know About

As citizens, it is not only crucial, but it is also a duty of a citizen to be aware of his/her rights and obligations. We live in a democratic country, to enjoy the freedom which is given to us and to respect the freedom of others, one should posses a good knowledge about one’s country’s laws and citizen’s rights. So, in this article we bring to you, a few rights and obligations that you should be aware of and will help you in building a strong civic sense in yourself and your future generation!

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  1. Railway insurance scheme

Suresh Prabhu, minister of railways, introduced the railway insurance scheme in September 2016 wherein a compensation up to Rs.12 lakhs can be claimed by merely paying a sum of 92 paise premium. The scheme is available for all the citizens of India on booking tickets through the IRCTC website and offers compensation up to Rs.10 lakh in case of death or total disability, 7.5 lakhs for partial disability and up to 2 lakhs for hospitalization expenses.

  1. Motor vehicles amendment bill

Although many new provisions have already been added to the bill, the most remarkable one is the new revision that enables a 3 year jail term for parents whose minor children are caught motor driving! The bill also puts a cap to the maximum compensation payable to victims of road accidents at Rs. 10 lakhs.

  1. Finance act

The bill seeks to cap the transactions at Rs.2 lakhs from the previously agreed 3 lakhs. It must also be noted, that apart from confiscating the excess amount, the act imposes a huge 100% penalty on anyone found indulging in such transactions.

  1. Live in relationships

Although no legal definition exists for live in relationships and they are often considered as a big taboo in the Indian society, the courts of India through their judgments have set some rights and obligations for both the partners involved in such relationships. Women after the termination of such relationships, have the right to demand maintenance. Furthermore, the children born out of such relationships have been given the right to the property of their parents.

  1. Challan laws

In case of violation of traffic rules, if you have been fined once in a day, you cannot be penalized for the same till midnight. The challan slip can be shown to any police officer who attempts to penalize you for the same offence and is valid till midnight! You need not pay the fine again that very same day.

  1. Service charge

Most of the readers will be aware of the voluntary nature of service charge, however many restaurants set notice boards on their entrance notifying about compulsory service charge which one has to pay if one enters the restaurant. The govt. has clearly specified that such an action qualifies as a “restrictive trade practice” and can land the restaurant administration in trouble!

7. Non bailable offences

As the name suggests, non bailable offences are the offences under the IPC for which the magistrate may not offer a bail in case of arrest. However one must note that women and children are an exception under this provision. But, if the arrest was made without a compulsory warrant, the person who is arrested can still get a bail.

8. Son lives in parent’s house at their mercy

The Delhi high court in its recent judgement has suggested that “where the house is a self-acquired house of the parents, a son, whether married or unmarried, has no legal right to live in that house and he can live in that house only at the mercy or the will of his parents till the time his parents allow.”

9. Mental health care bill

The new mental healthcare bill aims to decriminalize section 309, that is, attempt to commit suicide. While the effects of the provision are debatable, it provides several other important rights such as right against solitary confinement, against being chained and giving Electroconvulsive therapy under controlled conditions.

10. Maternity benefit amendment bill

The new maternity bill passed, provides for paid maternity leave up to 26 weeks from the earlier 12 weeks. Moreover, it seeks to impose obligations upon business organizations such as establishment of crèche facilities and to allow women to work from home as and when required by her. Moreover, adopting mothers as well commissioning mothers also have been granted a maternity benefit of up to 12 weeks.

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