Aadhaar service Closing : UIDAI released new update! This service of Aadhaar is going to be closed, take advantage otherwise…

Aadhaar service Closing : UIDAI released new update! This service of Aadhaar is going to be closed, take advantage otherwise...
Aadhaar service Closing : UIDAI released new update! This service of Aadhaar is going to be closed, take advantage otherwise...

Free Aadhaar Update: If you have an Aadhaar card and it has been more than 10 years since it was made. In such a situation, very useful news has come for you. UIDAI said that those whose Aadhaar is more than 10 years old. It should be updated immediately. For this, an opportunity has come to update the Aadhaar card for free till 14th December.

Free Aadhaar Update: In today’s time, Aadhaar card is needed everywhere. This is one of the important documents for the citizens of the country. From buying a SIM card to buying a house, Aadhaar card is required for every task. Aadhar card is also required to avail the benefits of the schemes run by the government.

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In such a situation, if the Aadhaar card is not updated from time to time, many tasks may get stuck. Apart from this, it can also increase the risks of fraud. In such a situation, the facility to update Aadhar card for free till 14th December is available.

UIDAI, the Aadhaar issuing organization, says that all users should update their Aadhaar card every 10 years. That is, if it has been 10 years since your Aadhar card was made, then it should be updated. If you update by December 14, you will not have to pay.

Demographic data will have to be given in the update

You can update Aadhaar online by visiting the Aadhaar center or by yourself. To update Aadhaar card, customers will have to provide necessary information like their demographic data, address, date of birth, mobile number etc. Many demographic data of Aadhaar can be updated online by yourself but there are many such things also.

For which you will have to go to Aadhaar center only. For example, to update Iris or biometric data, one has to go to the Aadhaar center. Keep in mind that the facility of free Aadhaar update will be available only on online update. You will have to pay the fee for updating Aadhaar by visiting the Aadhaar center.

Update Aadhaar online for free like this

1 – For this you click on the official website of UIDAI.

2 – After this you have to select the option of Aadhaar update.

3 – For example, to update the address, you have to select the option of Update Address.

4 – Next, OTP will have to be entered here by entering the registered mobile number.

5 – After this the option of Documents Update has to be selected.

6 – Next you will see the details related to Aadhaar.

7 – Verify all the details and then upload the documents required to update the address.

8 – After this, accept the Aadhaar update process.

9 – After this you will get Update Request Number (URN) number 14.

10 – Through this you can track the process of Aadhaar update.

Limit for keeping money in Savings Account! Know the rules of income tax, otherwise you will incur loss.

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