Sarkari Naukri 2020: Apply for these 5500 government jobs in lock down, option of WhatsApp interview


New Delhi, Online Desk. Sarkari Naukri 2020: Due to Corona virus (Kovid-19), the state of lock-down has been put up till May 3, 2020, there are many government jobs in various government departments for which you follow social distancing. You can apply while sitting at home. Some of these government jobs can also be interviewed through web-based applications, such as WhatsApp, zoom, etc. platforms. Let’s look at such government jobs-

Recruitment in National Informatics Center, Government of India

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Applications have been invited for recruitment to 495 Group A and Group B posts at the National Informatics Center, Government of India. The last date for online application of these posts has been extended till 5 pm on 30 April 2020. See

Government Jobs in Northern Railway, Interview through WhatsApp or other digital mediums

Northern Railway has invited applications for recruitment to the posts of Nursing Superintendent for Moradabad Division. A walk-in-interview for these posts is being organized on 30 April 2020. Keeping the lock down in mind, candidates have been given an opportunity to participate in the interview through WhatsApp or other digital mediums. 

Recruitment of 187 posts for ‘Nutrition Campaign’ of Government of India

Women and Child Development Department of Delhi Government has invited applications for recruitment to a total of 187 posts, including Block Coordinator, Block Project Assistant, for the implementation of ‘Nutrition Campaign’. Online applications can be made. 

24 posts for Prime Minister’s Bharatiya Jan Aushadhi Project

Bureau of Forma PSU of India i.e.BPPI has issued advertisement for the recruitment of Marketing Officer, Junior Marketing Officer, Executive and Assistant General Manager for the implementation of Prime Minister Bharatiya Jan Aushadhi Project. You can apply online for these posts. 

3951 Jobs in Postal Department Uttar Pradesh Circle

Online applications are being made for the recruitment of 3951 Gramin Dak Sevaks in Uttar Pradesh Circle of the Indian Postal Department. You can apply for these posts through online medium by 7 May 2020.

Bihar Mineral Development Officer (MDC) Recruitment

Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) has issued a notification for the recruitment of 20 posts of Mineral Development Officer (MDC). Interested and eligible candidates can apply through the online application form provided by the official website of the Commission.

ICMR – Interview with WhatsApp for 117 posts in NICPR

ICMR’s National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research (NICPR) of Indian Council of Medical Research has invited applications for recruitment to the total posts of 117 Data Entry Operator, Multi Tasking Staff, Technician and Technical Officer. For these posts, an interview has been arranged through WhatsApp

786 jobs in cooperative banks, online application till 10 May

The Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Government of Odisha, has sought applications for a total of 786 posts of Banking Assistant, Assistant Manager and System Manager in District Central Cooperative Banks. You can register for these posts online by 10 May 2020.


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