Uttar Pradesh Disabled Pension Scheme | Online application | Application form


Dear people of Uttar Pradesh, you will be very happy to know. So the disabled people will also be given pension by the Uttar Pradesh government.The Uttar Pradesh government has decided to make the disabled people of Uttar Pradesh self-dependent so that the disabled people do not become a burden on anyone. To spend your daily. Yogi Adityanath handicapped pension has decided to give 1000 idol pension to people with disabilities, in today’s time, people with disabilities are not treated well.

Therefore, the Uttar Pradesh government decided to make disabled people self-reliant. The benefit of the disabled scheme Uttar Pradesh (up viklang pension) will be available to those who are physically handicapped and disabled in any other way. 40 percent or more (main Disability certificate provided by the Medical Officer, Community Health Center / Doctor of Primary Health Center will be valid).

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In Uttar Pradesh, people with disabilities have to go to their private health center and have to take their physical disability certificate there, for this pension, only those disabled who will be 40% or more disabled people will be eligible for this pension. Honorable registration has started. Under this scheme, applicants who are physically handicapped will get financial assistance in the form of pension by the government. The government will provide 1000 rupees per month for physically challenged people under the handicapped scheme. Disabled Pension Scheme UP online application forms are given on the official website.

Dear countrymen of Uttar Pradesh, through this article, we will tell you about Uttar Pradesh Disabled Public Pension Scheme, you can apply online in UP Disabled Pension Scheme through this article. So about Disabled Pension Scheme List 2019 You can also get information, for more information about Disabled Public Pension Scheme, please expand our article Uttar Pradesh Disabled Pension Scheme Uttar Pradesh Disabled Pension Scheme Disabled Public Pension Disabled Pension Disabled Public Pension Uttar Pradesh Listing Information through this article You can get it so read our wedding carefully.

Uttar Pradesh Viklang Pension Yojana 2020 Highlights

योजना का नाम उत्तर प्रदेश विकलांग पेंशन योजना
इनके द्वारा शुरू की गयी मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्य नाथ जी द्वारा
लाभार्थी राज्य के विकलांग लोग
विभाग सामाजिक कल्याण विभाग
उद्देश्य विकलांग व्यक्तियों को पेंशन प्रदान करना
आवेदन प्रक्रिया ऑनलाइन
ऑफिसियल वेबसाइट http://sspy-up.gov.in/index.aspx

Benefits of Uttar Pradesh Disabled Pension Scheme
The standard of living of the disabled will rise.
People with disabilities will not depend.
People with disabilities will get the means to come.
He will rise above poverty.
People with disabilities will be self-reliant with pension.

Eligibility for Uttar Pradesh Disabled Pension Scheme
The applicant should be from Uttar Pradesh.
40 percent or more (Disability certificate provided by the Chief Medical Officer, Community Health Center / Primary Health Center physician will be valid).
Certificates given by trained private practitioners for direct disabilities are also permissible as per the procedure laid down in Government Order No. 210 / 65-1-2004-153 / 2000 dated 23 January 2004.
The family income of the handicapped applicant should not exceed Rs 1000 per month.
Persons who are receiving any earlier pension like old pension, widow pension or any other pension will not be eligible for this pension.
If the disabled person owns three wheeler or four wheeler or any vehicle is not eligible for this pension.
People with disabilities who are working in any government sector are not eligible to avail the benefits of this pension scheme.

Important documents for Uttar Pradesh Disabled Pension Scheme
Person must be disabled
He should have a bonafide Uttar Pradesh
Have a disability certificate of a private health center
Disability certificate provided by Ram Manohar Lohia Joint Hospital, Gomtinagar, Lucknow is also valid in cases of mental retarded and hearing impaired disabilities.
Upto Rs 1000 / – per month (Income certificate provided by Hon’ble MP, Hon. MLA, Mayor, President of Nagar Panchayats, President of District Panchayats, Tehsildar, Block Development Officer or Village Head will be valid.)

Amount in Uttar Pradesh Disabled Pension Scheme
Under the Uttar Pradesh Disabled Pension Scheme, it has been decided to give 1000 per month pension to the handicapped people so that people with disabilities can be financially supported and they can depend on you.

Uttar Pradesh Payment Process
First installment month April to September in two installments of 6-6 months and October to March second installment month. Pension acceptance to new beneficiaries on the basis of eligibility and order of priority to applicants registered at district level in case additional budget is available or vacancy.


Source: yojanagyan.in

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