Gold Price Today: Good News!There has been a strong fall in the price of gold, know here how cheap it has become

Gold selling rules changed: Big news! Now you will not be able to sell gold jewelry without it, know the new rules Otherwise fine will be imposed
Gold selling rules changed: Big news! Now you will not be able to sell gold jewelry without it, know the new rules Otherwise fine will be imposed

Gold Price: On the Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX), the price of gold for delivery in February fell by 0.05 percent today, while silver prices are trading with a decrease of 0.8 percent.

In the season of weddings, the price of gold continues to decline for three days, if you are planning to buy gold in such a situation, then this is a good opportunity. On the Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX) today, the price of gold for delivery in February fell by 0.05 percent, while silver prices are trading with a decrease of 0.8 percent.

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In August 2020, the price of 10 grams of gold on MCX had reached the highest level of Rs 56,200. Today gold February futures are at the level of Rs 48,160 per 10 grams on MCX, that is, it is still getting cheaper by more than Rs 8000.

Know what is the price of gold and silver today (Check Gold Silver Price Today)

The price of gold for February delivery is down by 0.17 percent today at Rs 48,160 per 10 grams. At the same time, silver has also become very cheap in today’s business. Today, the price of 1 kg of silver has declined by 0.19 percent to Rs 61,298.

Find out by giving a missed call,

let us tell you the rate of gold, you can easily find out these rates sitting at home. For this, you just have to give a missed call on this number 8955664433 and a message will come on your phone, in which you can check the latest rates.

In this way, you can check the purity of gold,

if you now want to check the purity of gold, then an app has been made by the government for this. With the ‘BIS Care app’, customers can check the purity of gold. Through this app, not only can you check the purity of gold, but you can also make any complaint related to it.

If the license, registration and hallmark number of the goods is found to be wrong in this app, then the customer can complain about it immediately. Through this app (Gold), the customer will also get information about registering a complaint immediately.


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