CBSE Term 2 Exam Time Table: Big News! When will 10th and 12th practical exam start, know what are the guidelines

CBSE Term 2 Exam Time Table: Big News! When will 10th and 12th practical exam start, know what are the guidelines
CBSE Term 2 Exam Time Table: Big News! When will 10th and 12th practical exam start, know what are the guidelines

The Central Council of Secondary Education (CBSE) has directed to conduct the practical examination of CBSE Term II Examination. has been issued. CBSE has released the notification regarding the dates of practical exam of class 10th and 12th.

The Central Council of Secondary Education (CBSE) has directed to conduct the practical exaNew Delhimination of CBSE Term 2 Examination. has been issued. CBSE has released the notification regarding the dates of practical exam of class 10th and 12th.

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Practical examinations will be held from March

2 According to the notification of CBSE, practical examinations of CBSE 10th and 12th will start from March 2. At the same time, according to the notification issued earlier, the offline examinations of CBSE 10th and 12th will start from April 26.

Waiting for the datesheet of offline examinations

However, the datesheet of offline examinations has not been released yet. Soon all the information regarding CBSE exam will be available on the official website

10th practical examinations will be internal

According to the notification, the practical examinations of the 10th students will be internal, while external examiners will be appointed for the 12th practical examination. However, the examinations will be held in the school itself.

There will be no practical examinations for private students,

Instructions have also been given to follow the Kovid-19 protocol during the practical examination. However, there will be no practical examinations for private students. For private students appearing in the examination before the year 2020-21, numbers will be given on pro rata basis.

According to media reports, the supply of answer sheets will be done by the regional offices and schools will have to ensure that they are filled correctly. Examiners will be appointed by CBSE. Schools will not be able to make alternative arrangements on their behalf.


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