Pensioners : EPS’95 pensioners can now submit Life Certificate at any time, know how long it will be valid

Employees Pay scale increased: Increase in the pay scale of these employees, up to 40,000 rupees will come in the account, will get the benefit of pay band level 6A, order issued
Employees Pay scale increased: Increase in the pay scale of these employees, up to 40,000 rupees will come in the account, will get the benefit of pay band level 6A, order issued

The Employees’ Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) has given great relief to its pensioners in the matter of submitting life certificates. 

EPFO Employees Pension Scheme-95 (EPS 95) pensioners can now submit their life certificate at any time. In this regard, EPFO ​​has given information by tweeting through its official Twitter account.

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What did EPFO ​​say?

The EPFO ​​on its official Twitter handle said, Dear EPS 95 Pensioner, is the validity period of your life certificate expiring? Now the member can present life certificate at any time which will be valid for one year from the date of submission.

That is, the pensioners of the Employees’ Pension Scheme-95 (EPS 95) of EPFO ​​can now submit their life certificate at any time. Usually it has to be submitted in November. The special thing is that the life certificate will be valid for one year from the date of submission.

What will happen if life certificate is not given?

According to this rule, if an EPS pensioner has submitted his life certificate on 15 December 2021 last year, then he will have to submit his life certificate on or before 15 December 2022 this year.

It is mandatory for the pensioner to submit his Annual Life Certificate before the deadline every year to continue receiving the pension. If they are not able to submit it before the last date, then they will not get the pension from the next month i.e. the pensioner’s pension will be stopped.

Where will the certificate be deposited?

EPS-95 pensioners can submit their life certificate i.e. Life Certificate at pension issuing bank, Public Service Center (CSC), IPPB/Indian Post Office, UMANG App and their nearest EPFO ​​office.

Which documents will be required?

To submit the life certificate, the pensioner will need the pension payment order number ie PPO, Aadhar number, bank account details. For this, the pensioner will also need Aadhaar linked mobile number. If you have not connected your mobile phone number with Aadhaar number, then definitely get it connected.

About EPFO…

EPFO is the largest social security organization in the world. EPFO has 24.77 crore members having EPF accounts. On the other hand, EPFO’s provisional payroll data released on 20 February 2022 highlights that EPFO ​​has added 14.60 lakh net subscribers during December 2021.

The comparative study shows that there has been an increase of about 2.06 lakh net payroll growth in December 2021 as compared to 12.54 lakh net subscribers added during the same period last year. There has been a net subscriber growth of 19.98 percent in December 2021 as compared to November 2021.

EPFO provides provident fund, pension benefits to its members on their retirement and family pension and insurance benefits to their families in case of untimely death of the member. EPFO is the premier organization of the country which is responsible for providing social security benefits to the organized/semi-organized sector employees covered under the Act of EPF and MP Act, 1952.



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