Airtel Payments Bank : Facility Airtel Payments Bank came on WhatsApp, send Hi to this number to use

Airtel Payments Bank : Facility Airtel Payments Bank came on WhatsApp, send Hi to this number to use
Airtel Payments Bank : Facility Airtel Payments Bank came on WhatsApp, send Hi to this number to use

Now you are an airtel user, then there is good news for you. Now you will be able to make all types of payments without even downloading the Airtel app. 

Yes, in fact, Airtel Payments Bank, which is one of the most successful online payment bank in India, is now available for banking services on WhatsApp. If you’re having trouble opening the Airtel app on your smartphone, don’t worry; Now you can do online banking with Airtel Payments Bank directly through WhatsApp. For this you just have to send ‘Hi’ to ‘8800688006’.

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Top Features of WhatsApp Banking with Airtel Payments Bank:

  •  One of the most appreciated features of online banking with WhatsApp is that you don’t have to worry about the service getting disabled. Online banking service will be available to you through WhatsApp even during the holidays. The company promises 24/7 banking through WhatsApp. Everything is end-to-end encrypted to keep things secure. Furthermore, there will be no delay in responding to the customer.
  • Being a banking service, you will be able to do gift cards and gold purchases, FASTag services, loans, recharges and bill payments through WhatsApp with Airtel Payments Bank.
  •  Your account information is not shared with anyone, and you are not even required to enter any confidential information like PIN on WhatsApp.
  •  Customers are not charged anything extra for availing WhatsApp for performing online banking services with Airtel Payments Bank. Even when you are not an Airtel Payments Bank customer, you can still use the company’s WhatsApp chatbot to get answers to any questions you may have. All you have to do is text ‘Hi’ to the number above to get started.
  •  You don’t even need to explicitly register on WhatsApp for Airtel Payments Bank. You can simply send a ‘Hi’ to the number above, and things will get started for you. The profile in the chat will have a green verified symbol to help you identify that you are chatting with a valid Airtel Payments Bank business account.
  •  If you want to stop receiving alerts on WhatsApp from Airtel Payments Bank, just type ‘Stop’ and send in chat. That should be enough. If you have unsubscribed but want to subscribe again, you can send ‘Hi’ again to the number mentioned above.


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