BSNL JTO Recruitment 2023: Notification for 11705 posts in BSNL, you can apply here, will get good salary

BSNL JTO Recruitment 2023: Notification for 11705 posts in BSNL, you can apply here, will get good salary
BSNL JTO Recruitment 2023: Notification for 11705 posts in BSNL, you can apply here, will get good salary

BSNL JTO Recruitment 2023 has been released for 11705 vacancies on the official website. Candidates can check the detailed information given below here which includes educational qualification, age limit and other important details for BSNL JTO Recruitment 2023.

BSNL JTO Recruitment 2023: Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) has released recruitment notification for 11705 Junior Telecom Officer (JTO). BSNL JTO Recruitment 2023 notification is available on the official website Candidates whose age is between 20 to 30 years and who have done engineering degree or equivalent from Central Government / State Government / Recognized Institute / University are eligible to apply for BSNL JTO Recruitment 2023.

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As per the BSNL JTO Recruitment Notification 2023, the application process will start soon and applicants can apply for BSNL JTO Vacancy from the official website. Candidates are advised to read the BSNL JTO Recruitment Notification 2023 carefully before applying to know their eligibility for the post.

As per the BSNL JTO recruitment notification, 50 per cent posts will be filled through GATE score while the remaining 50 per cent will be filled through direct recruitment through Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE).

BSNL JTO recruitment through GATE will be done for those candidates who are B.Tech while direct recruitment will be done for those candidates who are on probation period for at least 2 years. Candidates having M.Tech will also be eligible for BSNL JTO Direct Recruitment provided they fulfill the eligibility criteria prescribed in the notification.

BSNL Recruitment 2023
Candidates can see the notice issued by BSNL for JTO Recruitment 2023 here. For details, candidates are advised to read BSNL JTO Notification 2023 PDF and visit official website.

BSNL JTO 2023 Apply Online & Fees
Candidates can fill the BSNL JTO Application Form from the official website. The link to apply for BSNL JTO will be activated soon. Candidates are advised to read the instructions carefully before applying for BSNL JTO 2023. For details of BSNL JTO Recruitment 2023 application process visit –

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