Job Cuts: Big Announcement….! Now 35% employees will be fired from this company, the company has announced

Job Cuts: Big Announcement….! Now 35% employees will be fired from this company, the company has announced
Job Cuts: Big Announcement….! Now 35% employees will be fired from this company, the company has announced

Layoff Update: Now layoffs are going to happen at the global level in this company as well. The company is going to reduce the size of its HR team by 35 percent.

Ride sharing company Uber is going to lay off. The company has announced that it will reduce the size of its HR (recruiting) team by 35 percent. The company has given the reason for this to reduce the cost and streamline the business. Uber tries to keep the company’s staff count almost the same throughout the year.

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Uber has informed that it may be reducing 35 percent of the staff from the recruiting team, but it is less than one percent of its global workforce. Uber has around 32,700 employees around the world.

200 jobs will go this time

In this retrenchment of Uber, 200 employees will lose their jobs. While recently the company had shown the way out to 150 people from its freight service.

According to the news of Wall Street Journal, this new layoff will help the company to improve its cost efficiency. This is part of the company’s efforts to rationalize its operations.

Staff has been reduced by 17 percent so far

Uber has reduced its overall staff by 17 percent since mid-2020 after the business was badly affected by Kovid. However, in the US, Uber’s main competitor ‘Lyft’ is even more dire. Last year, about 700 people were shown the way out of the job by Lyft.

Uber’s business is also on a large scale in India. The company provides its service in almost all the major cities of the country. While expanding its services in India, Uber started the first ‘intercity’ service. Now the company is gradually increasing the share of electric ride sharing as well.

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