CBSE Board Exam 2024 : Prepare for 10th and 12th exams like this, know some easy tips and tricks

CBSE Board Exam 2024 : Prepare for 10th and 12th exams like this, know some easy tips and tricks
CBSE Board Exam 2024 : Prepare for 10th and 12th exams like this, know some easy tips and tricks

CBSE Board Exam 2024:  The final examination of CBSE Board is going to start soon. For which students of both class 10th and 12th have started preparations. Let us tell you that CBSE board examinations will start in February 2024.

So, in today’s article, let us tell some easy tricks and tips to the students, by which they can easily do their studies. Also, you can pass the exam with good marks by being fearless. Let us know in detail here…

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Make a good schedule and stick to it. Decide how much time to study every day and try to accomplish your goals within the time limit.

Give priority to important topics

You have limited time, so you should focus on the subjects which you know well or are more important in the exam like- Maths, Science, Social Studies. Make maths a part of daily practice. Because it is a subject of practice. The more you practice it, the more it will be beneficial for you.

Solve practice papers

Practicing previous years papers will help you understand the exam pattern and enable you to self study. By doing this you will also get an idea of ​​how questions have been asked in the last 5 years. This will help you prepare better.

Lad a healthy lifestyle

Right diet and adequate sleep will improve your physical and mental health, so you can be more effective in studies. Also, try to study after waking up in the morning because at this time the environment is completely calm and your mind also remains fresh. In such a situation, the things read are remembered immediately. Bathe regularly.

Clear doubt

If you are having trouble with a particular subject, ask for help from your teacher and try to read and understand with your friends too. Even while studying at home, if you are not able to understand then take the help of mom, dad, brother-sister, uncle or any elder person or you can also clear your doubt through the net.

study as per your wish

Study for as long as you feel like. Because by studying for show, you will only waste your time, which will yield no results. So whenever you feel bored, take a walk, eat something light, have a little snack. Doing this will refresh both the mood and mind.

understand the topics

While studying, try to understand the topics instead of memorizing them. Because in such a situation the answer will click in your mind immediately in the exam. Also, you will not forget him for many years. Besides, you will be instantly reminded at any time in life.

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