Aadhaar Holder Alert! Do you know that your bank account can be hacked with your Aadhaar number, read full news

Aadhaar Holder Alert! Do you know that your bank account can be hacked with your Aadhaar number, read full news
Aadhaar Holder Alert! Do you know that your bank account can be hacked with your Aadhaar number, read full news

Do you know that you can have your bank account with your Aadhaar number. So let’s know how it happens and what are the ways to avoid it…

Aadhar number is issued only once to any person in the country which is his identity card. Through which he can easily do any work in any corner of India. Which has been made mandatory to show in every work nowadays. Without which we cannot take advantage of any government scheme. Before doing any work of any kind, we have to show our Aadhaar number, whether it is a bank account, whether to take advantage of any government scheme, you have to show Aadhaar card as identity, which is your bank account, PAN is linked to many other places including the card, but many times you become a victim of online fraud through Aadhaar card and do you know that your bank account can be done with your Aadhaar number. So let’s know how it happens and what are the ways to avoid it…

Yes, through your Aadhaar number, your bank account can be hacked very easily because every information related to your life is received in the Aadhaar card. Since the bank account including your PAN card is linked in it, the information is easily hacked from it. After which you become a victim of online fraud.

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Regarding which UIDAI, while giving information on the tweet a few days ago, wrote that, “ Bank account cannot be hacked by mere information of Aadhaar number. If you  do not want to disclose your Aadhaar number, you can use VID or Masked Aadhaar, it is valid and widely accepted. The basis is faith.

Let us know that you can download it from the official website of UIDAI. Where you have to fill some necessary information. After which you will see only 4 digits of your Aadhar card i.e. XXXX-XXXX so that you can protect yourself from this fraud and secure your bank account.

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