Employee salary payment : Good news for employees! Salary will be paid soon, treasury will be sent bill, process starts

Employees Salary Payment : Good news for these employees, salary will be paid by 10th of the month, orders of High Court, salary will come in account today
Employees Salary Payment : Good news for these employees, salary will be paid by 10th of the month, orders of High Court, salary will come in account today

Along with this, the papers of those who have retired are also being prepared. It was said that the salary for January was issued to the employees on 20 February. According to media reports, OSD Anupam Thakur says that bills related to salary are being prepared. The process of sending them to the treasury has also started.

Employee salary payment: There is relief news for the employees of the Staff Selection Commission of Himachal Pradesh. The employees of the dissolved Himachal Staff Selection Commission located in Hamirpur will now get 2 months salary together. The process of preparing the bill for this has started. The salary bills for the months of February and March have been prepared and sent to the treasury. This has been confirmed by the Commission’s OSD Anupam Thakur.

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Along with this, the papers of those who have retired are also being prepared. It was said that the salary for January was issued to the employees on 20 February. According to media reports, OSD Anupam Thakur says that bills related to salary are being prepared. The process of sending them to the treasury has also started.

Department selection option

If media reports are to be believed, the commission’s office is not being adjusted anywhere due to the disbandment, but the process of taking the option has started with Commission’s OSD Anupam Thakur. All the employees of this office are to be accommodated in other offices, however there is no such list with OSD which has the option to choose the department. The employee, in whatever department he wants to go, wherever he wants to go, he will give his option in writing. The government will take the next action on that.

Doubt on promotion-retirement

The situation is not clear regarding the same employees who were to be promoted or are nearing retirement. OSD Anupam Thakur told in which department the employees have to go. They can choose it at their level without any list and apply written to them on the basis of performance.

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