Indian Railway Diwali Bonus : Good news for 12 lakh railway employees! Cabinet can approve Diwali bonus today, this much money will come into the account

    Indian Railway Diwali Bonus : Good news for 12 lakh railway employees! Cabinet can approve Diwali bonus today, this much money will come into the account
    Indian Railway Diwali Bonus : Good news for 12 lakh railway employees! Cabinet can approve Diwali bonus today, this much money will come into the account

    Indian Railway Diwali Bonus: 12 lakh railway employees may get some good news from the government today. Diwali bonus may be announced in the cabinet meeting.

    All Group C and Group D employees get only Rs 17,951, which is calculated on the basis of minimum monthly salary of Rs 7000. In such a situation, 12 lakh employees of Railways can get Rs 18 thousand as bonus as Diwali bonus. This can be announced after the cabinet meeting today.

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    The employees had made this demand

    However, the Indian Railway Employees Federation (IREF) has written a letter to the Railways demanding to increase its PLB. IREF said in its letter that although the Railways implemented the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission on January 1, 2016, PLB is still calculated and paid on the basis of the minimum pay prescribed by the 6th Pay Commission. In the 6th Pay Commission, the minimum salary for Group D employees was only Rs 7000, whereas in the 7th Pay Commission it was increased to Rs 18,000.

    Employees will benefit so much

    According to the federation, all Group C and Group D employees get only Rs 17,951, which is calculated on the basis of minimum monthly salary of Rs 7000. Their demand is that considering the minimum wage as per the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission, it should be increased to Rs 46,159.

    Fought bravely during the Corona period

    The federation said in its letter, “During COVID-19, when a nationwide lockdown was imposed and people were afraid to step out of their homes, railway employees risked their lives to continue operating trains, even though they had to Had to face very adverse circumstances.”

    While announcing PLB in October last year, the Ministry of Railways had said that 11.27 lakh non-gazetted railway employees are likely to benefit from the bonus. In this, the burden on the government for payment of PLB for 78 days to railway employees was estimated at Rs 1832.09 crore. The salary calculation limit prescribed for payment of PLB is Rs 7,000/- per month. The maximum amount payable per eligible railway employee is Rs 17,951 for 78 days.

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