LIC Policy: LIC’s Superhit Scheme! 17 lakh on monthly investment of Rs 233, tax exemption too

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LIC Jeevan Labh Plan: LIC Jeevan Labh is a tremendous scheme. In this, you can easily get a fat fund of 17 lakhs by depositing just Rs 233 every month. Let’s know about this superhit scheme.

From time to time, LIC keeps offering great schemes for its customers. LIC makes plans for every category of people. In such a situation, if you also want to become a millionaire with safe investments, then LIC’s policy is very useful for you. LIC Jeevan Labh Policy is one such policy in which you can get a hefty fund of 17 lakhs by depositing just Rs 233 every month. Let us know about this policy.

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LIC Jeevan Labh

This is a non-linked policy named- Jeevan Labh (LIC jeevan Labh, 936). Because of this, this policy has no relation with the share market. Whether the market goes up or down, it will not affect your money at all. That is, your money is completely safe in this scheme. This is a Limited Premium Plan. This plan has been made keeping in mind the marriage of children, education and purchase of property.

Policy Features

  • LIC’s Jeevan Labh Plan feature policy gives both profit and protection.
  • People in the age group of 8 to 59 years can easily take this policy.
  • The policy term can be taken from 16 to 25 years.
  • A minimum sum assured of Rs 2 lakh has to be taken.
  • There is no limit on the maximum amount.
  • Loan facility is also available on payment of premium for 3 years.
  • Tax exemption on premium and on the death of the policy holder, the nominee gets the benefits of Sum Assured and Bonus.

Nominee will get death benefit 

If the policyholder dies during the policy term and has paid all premiums till death, then his nominee gets Death Sum Assured, Simple Reversionary Bonus and Final Addition Bonus as Death Benefit. That is, the nominee will get additional sum insured.



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