PAN Aadhaar Link Alert: Big News! PAN card of these people will be useless from April 1, check immediately

Pan card is inoperative but you can still use it for these works, know its terms and conditions
Pan card is inoperative but you can still use it for these works, know its terms and conditions

Pan Aadhaar Link: From the next financial year, April 1, 2023, Permanent Account Number (PAN) holders who have not linked their PAN with Aadhaar will not be able to use it.

Online Link Pan Number to Aadhaar: If you use PAN card and Aadhaar card and you have not yet linked PAN number to Aadhaar, then you should quickly get your PAN number linked to Aadhaar, otherwise your PAN number will be disabled . If you want to link PAN number with Aadhaar, then you can link till April 1. Because from the next financial year, April 1, 2023, Permanent Account Number (PAN) holders who have not linked their PAN number with Aadhaar will not be able to use it. The ten digit unique alphanumeric number will become inactive after the deadline.

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Most of the PAN card holders in the country have already done so, some have not yet linked their PAN with Aadhaar. As per the Income Tax Act, 1961, it is mandatory for all PAN holders who do not fall in the exempted category to link their PAN with Aadhaar before 31.03.2023. With effect from 1.04.2023, the unlinked PAN will become inoperative. Link it before it’s too late. Don’t delay, link today.

You will not be able to do this work if the PAN is inactive
Explain that once the PAN becomes inactive, the person will not be able to file I-T returns, pending returns will not be processed, pending refunds cannot be issued, pending action in case of defective returns not completed Tax may be required to be deducted at a higher rate. Here’s how PAN holders can link their PAN with Aadhaar before April 1, 2023.

  • First of all you have to go to . And under ‘Quick Links’ section click on ‘Link Aadhaar Option’.
  • Now enter your PAN and Aadhaar number and then click on ‘Validate’.
  • If Aadhaar and PAN are already linked, you will get the message ‘PAN is already linked with Aadhaar’ on your screen.
  • If your PAN is not linked to your Aadhaar and you have paid the challan on NSDL portal, the payment information will be validated by electronic filing.
  • After verifying PAN and Aadhaar, you will get a pop-up notification saying that your payment details are verified.
  • After entering the required details, click on the Link Aadhaar option and then enter the 6 digit OTP received on your mobile phone number.
  • After successfully submitting your request for Aadhaar-PAN link, you can now check its status.
  • PAN holders will have to wait for 4-5 working days before submitting the linkage request if the payment details are not verified on the e-filing portal and if they have already paid the amount on the NSDL portal. After this your PAN number will be linked with Aadhaar.
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