Salary Hike: Great news! Employees will get huge amount this month, DA has increased so much.

DA Hike: Employees-pensioners will get a big gift in July, DA will increase by 4%, there will be a bumper jump in salary, know when it will be announced?
DA Hike: Employees-pensioners will get a big gift in July, DA will increase by 4%, there will be a bumper jump in salary, know when it will be announced?

DA Hike, Salary Hike: State governments keep making big announcements from time to time regarding their employees. Similarly, the Odisha government has made an important announcement regarding its employees and pensioners, which will greatly benefit them. Actually, tremendous good news has come on the dearness allowance for the state employees of Odisha.

DA Hike News, Salary Hike: State governments keep making big announcements from time to time regarding their employees. Similarly, the Odisha government has made an important announcement regarding its employees and pensioners, which will greatly benefit them. Actually, tremendous good news has come on the dearness allowance for the state employees of Odisha.

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The CM Naveen Patnaik government has announced a four percent increase in Dearness Allowance for state employees and pensioners. With this increase, now the DA of state government employees has increased from 38 percent to 42 percent. This increased DA will be applicable from January 1, 2023 only. That is, it means that in the salary of June itself, the central employees will get its arrears, that is, the fat salary of June will come.

Pensioners will also get relief

The government has also increased the dearness relief to pensioners by 4 percent. They will also get enhanced relief in the current month’s pension. The move will benefit all regular employees and pensioners, who number 7.5 lakh in the state. Let us tell you that earlier in April 2023, the Odisha government had increased the dearness allowance of government employees by four percent from 34 percent to 38 percent, and now their allowance has been increased again.

If we talk about central employees, then there is an eye on the revision of dearness allowance in the month of July. Experts are assuming that this time also a 4 percent jump will be seen in dearness allowance. Many state governments have also increased the dearness allowance. Due to this, there will be a tremendous jump in salary.

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