As we know that there are a lots of firms selling health insurance policies in India , choosing the appropriate one can really become a difficult  task . Apart from a lot of plans  to choose from intimidating jargons which otherwise called as policy wordings add to the confusion.

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So let us look for those 10 most important things which affect us a lot regarding a health insurance .

(1)     Claim process:-    The simpler the claims process and the faster the settlement of the claims , better it is for the insured . So the claims process and the settlement are important factors when it comes to the selection of a policy .

(2) Hospitals in Network :-    As we know we don’t have cash always with us . So at the time of medical emergency we look for cashless hospital in network . A cashless hospital provides a sense of security in times of no cash.

(3) Maternity  Benefits :-   These days pregnancy costs are increasing exponentially. It is important for women to buy a plan that offers maternity benefits. In this one should look in to the waiting periods applicable for claiming maternity expenses and consider the sub limit . The policy should also cover outpatient  expenses.

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(4) Renewal for lifetime :-   One should look for those policies which offer life time renewability. When one gets old there are more and more chances of getting diseases.

(5) Cumulative Bonus:-   Insurance companies offer a cumulative bonus when insurer does not make a claim in the previous policy year. One can accumulate this bonus year after year. The bonus is increase in the sum insured or discount on the premium payable , or a combination of both .

(6) Waiting period:-   Most insurers have a waiting period for pre existing diseases. The period can range from two to five year and differs from one insurer to another . You need to keep that number in mind while buying a health plan. A good way is to buy a health insurance plan in your  youth , there is a statistically less chance of your filing a claim and you  can clear the waiting period with ease.

(7) Combo plans for family :-    When purchasing a health insurance we should also look for family plans. Sometimes it is cheaper and more comprehensive to buy family insurance .

(8) The Right Insurance Amount :-    One should consider the amount keeping in mind different factors . The younger you are less insured sum you need. Another important things are add ons as they impact premium amounts.

(9) Pre/Post Hospitalization:-   Before hospitalization one need to visit the doctor and to have some pre hospitalization check ups. Also post hospitalization the follow ups and medicines . So one should buy an insurance keeping all these things in mind .

(10)  Free Medical  check -up :-    One should look for a policy which insures the person for a free medical check -up .

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