Toll Tax : Good News! For Those Who Drive Vehicles, Now You Will Not Have To Pay Toll Tax, Government’s Decision

Toll Tax : Good News! For Those Who Drive Vehicles, Now You Will Not Have To Pay Toll Tax, Government's Decision
Toll Tax : Good News! For Those Who Drive Vehicles, Now You Will Not Have To Pay Toll Tax, Government's Decision

There is good news for the motorists. Now you will not be charged toll tax. In this regard, new provisions have been made in the policy related to toll tax.

This step of the government will get rid of both the jam at the toll plaza and the hassle of paying toll to the people. Actually this decision has been taken by the Madhya Pradesh government.

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There, private drivers such as cars and other vehicles which are not in commercial use will all be exempted from toll tax. This facility will be available on the new roads of the State Road Development Corporation.

Before bringing this new policy, the Public Works Department had conducted a survey of 200 roads. In which it was revealed that 80 percent of the tax collected is from commercial vehicles and only 20 percent from small vehicles.

After this survey, Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan decided that when such a small share of tax is received from private vehicles, then they should be given tax relief. After this, new provisions were made in the policy related to toll tax.

Exempt them from Toll Tax

The list includes President, Vice President, Prime Minister, Ministers to MPs and Judge-Magistrates including Defence, Police, Fire Fighting, Ambulances, Automobiles, Selected State and Central Government Officials,

Magistrates, Secretaries, Secretaries of various Departments, National Highways Authority of India. officers are involved. This category of exemption has now increased to 25.


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