Want to prevent misuse of Aadhaar? Here are the steps to lock, unlock Aadhaar number


Before you lock your Aadhaar number, remember you must first generate your virtual ID. If the virtual ID is not generated by you then you will not be able to lock your Aadhaar number.

New Delhi: The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has a feature, which allows you to lock and unlock your Aadhaar number. This allows to further strengthen the privacy and security of the Aadhaar number of an individual.

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Want to prevent misuse of Aadhaar? Here are the steps to lock, unlock Aadhaar number

Photo Credit: BCCL

Once you have locked your Aadhaar number, then authentication services using any method, i.e. demographic, biometric, or OTP (one-time password) based, cannot be done using Aadhaar number. Therefore, you will have to use the 16-digit virtual ID for Aadhaar to undertake any authentication services for KYC purposes. You can use your Aadhaar number for authentication services only after you have unlocked it.

Before you lock your Aadhaar number, remember you must first generate your virtual ID. If the virtual ID is not generated by you then you will not be able to lock your Aadhaar number.

Locking Aadhaar number

When we talk about locking Aadhaar, it means locking the 12 digit Aadhaar and in place of that using the 16 digits virtual ID for authentication.

There are two ways to lock or unlock your Aadhaar.

  1. Either through UIDAI’s website: If a resident wants to unlock UID he/she can do so on the resident portal. After unlocking resident can authenticate using UID, UID Token & ANCS Token for Biometric, Demo & OTP Based Transaction, and also he can authenticate with VID.
  2. By sending an SMS to UIDAI on 1947

How can resident Lock UID?
For Locking UID, the resident should have a 16 digit VID number and it’s a pre-requisite for locking. If resident doesn’t have VID can generate via SMS Service or Resident Portal.

SMS Service. GVID space last 4 or 8 digits of UID. SMS to 1947. Ex- GVID 1234.

Using website
Open Resident portal Under Aadhaar Service Click on Lock & Unlock. Select UID Lock Radio Button and enter UID Number, Full Name, and Pin Code as in the latest details and enter the security code. Click on Send OTP or select TOTP and click on submit. Your UID will be locked successfully.

How can the resident Unlock UID?
For Unlocking UID resident should have latest VID number and if resident forgot 16 digit VID he can retrieve latest VID from SMS services

RVID Space last 4 or 8 digit of UID. SMS to 1947. Ex- RVID 1234

Using website
Open resident portal under Aadhaar service click on ‘Lock & Unlock’. Select ‘Unlock’ radio button, Enter Latest VID, and the security code and click on send OTP or select TOTP and click on ‘Submit’. Your UID will be unlocked successfully.

Locking Biometrics in Aadhaar

Another option with an Aadhaar holder is to lock biometrics. Biometric ‘Locking/Unlocking’ is a service that allows an Aadhaar holder to lock and temporarily unlock their biometrics. This facility aims to strengthen the privacy and confidentiality of resident’s biometrics data.

Locked biometrics ensures the Aadhaar holder will not be able to use their biometrics (fingerprints/iris) for authentication.

How to lock/unlock Aadhaar biometrics?

Open Resident portal, go to ‘My Adhaar’ then go to Aadhaar service, click on lock/unlock biometrics. Next, enter your Aadhaar or VID number, and captcha code and get OTP on your registered mobile number. Enter the OTP and submit. Your biometrics will be locked. And, similarly, you can unlock your biometrics.



Source: sea.operanewsapp.com 



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