7 Most Important Tips to Successfully Crack Job Interview


7 Most Important Tips to Successfully Crack Job Interview

Interview Phobia is one of the most commonly experienced phobias among the people. As per a recent research, almost 80% candidates suffer from Interview Phobia. However, the one who overcome the fear of interview, it is most likely that he or she stands a very good chance to get selected for the job opportunity. For letting you crack the interview of your dream job, here we have listed down the top seven tips which can prove to be very helpful for a confident performance.

  1. Overcome the fear of rejection

First and foremost it is important to understand why do we experience fear of the interview, the answer is simple. We fear of losing or getting rejected rather than facing a stranger asking us questions. So, how can we overcome this fear of rejection? It is very easy to tackle this fear, just a simple change in attitude and approach towards the interview is enough. Not to forget self-confidence is the key. So the simple mantra to be successful in this endeavor is ‘always give the interview with attitude that you are not in desperate need of this job’. Yes, we are not joking. This is a reverse psychology, always appear in the interview with this attitude, this will help boost your self confidence. As per research, when we need something very desperately in our life, we tend to chase it and we fear of losing it even before we get it. So, it become very important to keep the attitude of ‘not in desperate need for this job’. With self confidence, no interview seems scary. After all, no company wants to hire an employee with fears.

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  1.  Understand the job requirement & convey where you can add value

Once you get an interview call, is very important to understand the job profile, requirements and expectations from the candidate before you appear for the interview. Always ask for the Job Description from the HR in the initial interview call. This will help you prepare well for the interview. When you will be clear about the job profile then it would be easier for you to identify your strengths and decide your approach towards the interview. During the interview always think from the point of view of the interviewer. Highlight what skill sets you can bring in the team and where you can add value to the organization. Employers are always interested to understand how the skills of the candidate would benefit the organization in the long run. In our life, whenever we buy an product or service, we always think ‘how will this benefit us’, same goes with hiring as well. An organization is always interested to know how a particular candidate which they are interviewing will benefit them.


  1. List of probable questions & answers

Once you understand the Job Requirement, it is advisable to prepare a list of probable questions and their answers i.e. what all an interviewer can ask you. Usually you can find the list of questions online as well, but it is always good to check with your friends who work in similar industry or profile. You can easily answer 80% of questions which can be put across you during the interview by doing this practice.

  1. Never fabricate your CV or mention false information

 It is a biggest and most common mistake done by most of the candidates these days. One should never ever mention false information in your CV. People fail to understand that organizations are smart enough to find out that you have fabricated your CV. It can not only create problem for you in future but can even spoil your career too, so always be honest in your conduct.

  1. Never Argue with Interviewer

This one is most obvious, but yet people forget to abide by this advise. Do not get into any kind of argument with interviewer during your interview. It would be easy to do so, when you accept that the person who is taking the interview has far more experience than you, so it is advisable that when the interviewer is speaking, you should just listen & do not argue to justify your point. One should definitely put across your point, but just do not argue to justify it or prove it.

  1. Be honest & flexible

During the interview, always be honest. This simple advise is important as well as make you earn extra points. If you don’t know a particular answer, then do not hesitate to accept the same rather than giving wrong answers. Organizations these days give more importance to honesty. After all, who would want a dishonest person to handle important and confidential information about the company. Also, flexibility is utmost important, being rigid would not take you far.

  1. Salary Negotiations

Last but very important, candidate should never ever ask for unrealistic salary hikes as it gives impression to the interviewer that you are just changing the job for money. Do a thorough research about industry standards or benchmarks for that particular role or industry. For junior or middle management role, salary hike range from 25% to 40%, also in few critical job profiles in banking sector one might get very high salary hike.

Hope all these above listed points will help you perform well in your next interview. You can share your experience of your first interview or simply your views about this article in the comments section below.

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