Flights Ticket will be expensive from September 1, government hikes these fees related to air travel


If you were or continue to travel by air, then this news will add weight to your pocket. Because the central government has increased the security fees (Aviation Security Fees) collected from passengers at the airport. Know how much the fees have increased ..

new Delhi. If you were or continue to travel by air, then this news will increase the weight on your pocket. Because the Central Government has increased the security fees (Aviation Security Fees) collected from passengers at the airport. This time the government has increased the aviation security fee by Rs 10 per passenger. Now the aviation security fee has increased to Rs 160 per passenger. This increase will be applicable on air tickets to be issued from 1 September.

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Due to this, fees have been increased
Aviation security fees have been increased to meet the cost of increased security expenses at the airport. Due to this, air travel is expected to be expensive. CISF provides security at 61 airports in the country. Due to coronavirus there has been a decrease in footfall at the airport due to which the cost of security has increased. Apart from this, CISF is using equipment like PPE suits, masks, globs to check the passengers, which has increased the security cost.

The Civil Aviation Ministry has issued an order on 13 August in relation to the increase in aviation security fees. According to the order, the government has approved the increase in aviation security fees using the powers given in the aircraft rules 1937.

20 rupees were raised last year, the
government increased aviation security fees by 20 rupees in 2019 to 150 rupees per passenger. Airport operators had then stated that aviation security fees of Rs 130, determined several years ago, were insufficient to meet the CISF’s deployment expenses. Similarly, security fees have also been increased on domestic flights to international travel.



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