Aadhaar is lost or stolen, so get the card made again sitting at home, this is the whole process


Aadhaar RePrint Aadhaar Card is lost and you want to get it made again, then for this you have to go to the nearest Aadhaar center. But Aadhaar can also be made online. You will not need to go anywhere for this. All the work will be done sitting at home.

Aadhaar RePrint: Aadhar card is the most important document in the current era. But if the Aadhaar is lost or stolen, then you may have to face problems. To get the Aadhar card made again, you will have to make rounds of the nearest Aadhar center. But Aadhaar can also be made online. You will not need to go anywhere for this. All the work will be done sitting at home. Let us tell you that with the help of online service of Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), Aadhaar card can be re-issued. However, for this you will have to pay Rs 50.

Which document will be needed

  • For re-issue of Aadhar card, it is necessary to link your Aadhar with mobile.
  • Also the address of the aadhar must be correct, why the card will be speed posted to the address entered on your aadhar.
  • It is necessary to remember the Aadhaar number for re-issuing Aadhaar.

How to issue aadhar card

  • Firstly visit www.uidai.gov.in. Click on After this click on Order Aadhaar Reprint of My Aadhaar option on the home page.
  • Then a page will open where you have to enter your 12 digit Aadhaar number or 16 digit Virtual ID number.
  • After that you have to fill the security code. After this, fill the OTP received on your registered mobile number. This OTP will be valid for 10 minutes only.
  • After entering the OTP, the term and condition have to be accepted. After this you will get Aadhar Card Letter Preview.
  • Then you have to click on Make Payment option to download e-Aadhaar.
  • After this, you will be able to download the PDF copy of the e-Aadhaar card.

What to do if mobile number is not registered

  • If the mobile number is not registered, you will have the option to enter another mobile number, which will not be registered with your Aadhaar.
  • Fill the details of other mobile number. After that click on Send OTP option.
  • After this, after checking the term and condition boxes, click on the submit button.
  • After that you will get OTP.
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