Air India on Wednesday said that if the flights of passengers traveling to and from Delhi airport are likely to be affected due to fog, they can reschedule or cancel their bookings without any extra charges. Let us tell you that due to dense fog in recent times, flight operations at Delhi Airport have been affected.
Aviation company Air India on Wednesday said that if the flights of passengers traveling to and from Delhi airport are likely to be affected due to fog, they can reschedule or cancel their bookings without any extra charges.
Air India provided convenience to customers
The airline has made this offer under the ‘FogCare’ initiative introduced last winter. According to the airline, passengers flying out of Indira Gandhi International (IGI) Airport in the national capital during winter will be allowed to reschedule or cancel their bookings without any extra cost if their flights are likely to be affected by fog. .
Flying affected due to weather
Flight operations at Delhi airport have been affected due to dense fog in recent days. Many flights are delayed and some have been diverted to nearby airports.