Air India ESOP: Facilities like Indigo and Spicejet are going to start soon for Air India employees. Earlier, it was announced by the company to withdraw the salary deduction and start the facility of group medical insurance.
Air India ESOP News: Ever since the Tata Group acquired Air India, the airline’s employees are having fun. Earlier, it was announced by the company to withdraw the salary deduction. A few days later, the company talked about starting Group Medical Insurance to provide better medical facilities to the employees and their families. Now the company has announced another good news for its employees.
Will be given a chance to become a shareholder
Now Air India employees will be given a chance to become shareholder. Stock option (ESOP) will be given to the employees by the airline. Under this, he will be able to become a shareholder of the company. The purpose of the company behind this process is to improve the performance of the employees. Earlier in 2018, Stock Option (ESOP) was also started by Tata Motors.
Indigo and Spicejet also have this facility
According to media reports, performance indicators will also be implemented to improve the performance of the employees. Let us tell you that companies bring ESOP option for the employee to remain in the company. Under this, the employee has a stake in the company. This improves the performance of the employee and he stays with the company for a long time. At present, Indigo and SpiceJet are also given the facility of stock option to the employees.
Medical insurance policy will start from May 15
Earlier, Air India had announced to provide Group Medical Insurance to the employees. This facility was started with the objective of providing better medical facilities to the employees and their families in the network of large hospitals across the country. For the employees and their families, this facility will start from May 15.
Up to 7 members can join
An employee will have a sum insured of Rs 7.5 lakh in the group medical insurance provided by Air India to the employees. A maximum of 7 members of a family can participate in this. These will include the employee’s spouse, three children and 2 parents/in-laws. Employees can use this insurance policy in case of any medical emergency.
Salary deduction also withdrawn
Initially, it was said by Air India to withdraw the salary cuts of company employees in a phased manner during the Corona period. This change has been implemented from 1st April. The flying allowance, special pay and wide body allowance of the airline pilots are being restored by 20 percent, 25 percent and 25 percent.