Apple threatens to block app from iphone, WhatsApp has expressed resentment, know what is the whole matter


New Delhi: Tech giant Apple on Tuesday threatened to remove some apps from the Apple App store. The company said that some apps are opposing the upcoming privacy feature of the Apple App Store. If these apps did not follow the privacy feature of the company, they would be removed from the App Store. Popular messaging app WhatsApp has expressed its displeasure over this threat from Apple App Store. WhatsApp has said that Apple’s new data labeling rule is wrong.

What is the argument of whatsapp

According to WhatsApp, this is Apple’s dual attitude as Apple’s iMessege app is pre-installed on all Apple devices including the iPhone. There is no need to download it from the App Store. In such a situation, the new rules of the company will not apply to Apple’s app, while the privacy rules will apply to the rest of the apps like WhatsApp. WhatsApp says that the company should be labeling all the apps. Also the third party app should be included.

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Small app developers will be hurt

Explain that the Apple company had planned to introduce the app tracking transparency feature earlier this year. But there was a delay in giving developers more time to make changes to their app and resolve privacy issues. Tech companies and advertisers, such as Facebook, have criticized the planned change, saying it could hurt smaller developers such as gaming developers. But Apple says that users should know when they are being tracked on different apps and websites. Also, Apple’s new rules will help keep an eye on advertisers.

WhatsApp said accept new terms, otherwise delete account


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