ATM Cash withdraw New Way : Know how to withdraw cash by scanning the UPI code at the ATM machine

ATM Cash withdraw New Way : Know how to withdraw cash by scanning the UPI code at the ATM machine
ATM Cash withdraw New Way : Know how to withdraw cash by scanning the UPI code at the ATM machine

Debit card has always been the primary way to withdraw money from an ATM machine.

However, recently, NCR Corporation announced that they are upgrading ATM machines across the country with their first interoperable cardless cash withdrawal solution based on the UPI platform, which allows users to use the UPI app installed on the smartphone. Will allow you to withdraw cash using

This means users can withdraw cash from ATM machines without using their debit or credit cards. The biggest advantage of this will be that you will be able to withdraw cash in case you forget, lose or damage your card.

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If you are thinking that you will be able to withdraw cash using the UPI app, then follow our step by step guide.


  • ATM machine should be with UPI service.
  • Any UPI based payment app like Gpay, Phonepe, Amazon Pay, Paytm should work on your smartphone with internet connection.

cash withdrawal method

  • To withdraw cash, go to the ATM machine and select the option of cash withdrawal.
  • After this, select the option of UPI on the screen of the ATM machine.
  • Now the QR code will appear on the screen of the ATM machine.
  • Now open any UPI app on your phone and scan the QR code.
  • Now after scanning the code, enter the amount you want to withdraw. At present the cash withdrawal limit is only Rs 5000.
  • Now enter the UPI PIN and process.


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