Bank FD Rates increased : This private sector bank has increased the interest on fixed deposits, now customers will get more profits, know the new rates.

Bank FD Rates increased : This private sector bank has increased the interest on fixed deposits, now customers will get more profits, know the new rates.
Bank FD Rates increased : This private sector bank has increased the interest on fixed deposits, now customers will get more profits, know the new rates.

Bank FD Rates : The country’s third largest private sector bank has increased the FD interest rates ( Fixed Deposit Interest Rate ). Customers will get more returns than before. New rates have come into effect.

Here we are talking about Kotak Mahindra Bank . The bank is offering interest ranging from 2.75% to 7.25% to customers on FD of 7 days to 10 years. It is offering 0.5% interest rate to senior citizens as compared to normal citizens. Rates range from 3.25% to 7.75%.

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Highest interest being received on FD for so many days

The bank is giving the highest interest on FD of less than 23 months, 1 day-2 years. The rates are 7.25%. 7.20% interest is available on FD of less than 391 days-23 months. 7.10% interest on deposits of 2 years and less than 3 years, 6.50% on tenure of 3 years and less than 4, 6.25% on tenure of 4 years and less than 5 years and 6.20% on FDs of 5 years to 10 years. Used to be. At the same time, interest is available on FD of 390 days, 7.10%, on FD of 365 days to 389 days, 7.15% on deposits of 390 days and 7.20% on FD of 391 days.

Interest rate for FD of less than one year

Kotak Mahindra Bank is offering 6.50% interest on FD for 364 days, 6% for 271 days to 363 days and 6% for 270 days. 6% on FD of 181-269 days, 7% on 180 days’ tenure, 4.25% on 121-179 days’ tenure, 4% on 91-120 days’ tenure, 3.50% on 46-90 days’ FD, 31- 3.25% interest is available on 45 day fixed deposit, 3% interest on 15-30 day FD and 2.75% interest on 7-14 day deposit.

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