Bank Locker Charges : People are rapidly closing their bank lockers, new rules are coming into effect from 1st.

Bank Locker Charges : People are rapidly closing their bank lockers, new rules are coming into effect from 1st.
Bank Locker Charges : People are rapidly closing their bank lockers, new rules are coming into effect from 1st.

Bank Locker Charges: At present people are investing a lot in gold. Because it is considered to be the safest investment and banks use lockers to keep the purchased gold safe. But at present a large number of people are closing bank lockers. According to recent reports, 36 percent people have closed bank lockers and 56 percent are planning to close them.

If you also have a locker in any bank, then it is important for you to stay updated with this news. More than half of bank locker holders are thinking of closing it due to increasing KYC hassles and increasing locker charges.

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This information has come out from a survey, not only this, many people have also decided to close the lockers. According to the ongoing survey report, there are some customers who are planning to reduce the size of the locker for this reason.New rules are coming into effect from January 1

The survey was conducted on more than 11000 people. It was said that due to continuous increase in charges by banks, 36 percent locker users have closed their bank lockers. Whereas 16 percent said that they would transfer to a smaller size locker and four percent were considering closing the locker.

New rules for bank safe deposit lockers are coming into effect from January 1. Before this, banks are calling the customer to the branch with the necessary KYC documents for the paperwork. It said that locker fees have increased in recent years. According to RBI, customers will have to sign a new agreement with their bank for the locker by December 31.

Due to increase in bank locker fees, 56 percent of locker holders surveyed in the last three years have either abandoned it or are thinking of closing it soon. Some banks are planning to shift to smaller locker sizes.

Sign the agreement by 31st December

The last date for signing the bank locker agreement was recently extended to 31 December 2023 by the Reserve Bank (RBI). Earlier customers had to sign agreements by January 1, 2023.

According to the new rules of RBI, banks and customers will have to clearly mention in the agreement what kind of items you can keep in the locker. Banks are starting to charge new types of charges from people who avail the facility of locker to keep valuables in the bank.

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