Be careful to be the one who has pan card that you can’t think of…


Be careful to be the one who has pan card that you can’t think of…
Be careful if you have two PAN Cards! You may have to pay a fine of Rs. 10, 000 (10 Thousand Rs Fine). In fact, according to income tax rules, it is illegal to keep two pan cards simultaneously and against the rules. There is a provision for imposing penalty on doing so. Let’s tell you that pan card Details is essential for financial transactions.

Pan card property is used in places like buying or selling, buying or selling a train, filing ITR, etc. But, if a person has more than one pan card or has accidentally become an apartment, you should surrender it.

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According to income tax rules, if a person has more than one pan card, action can be taken against him. In doing so, Rs. 10, 000 can be levied under the provisions of section 272B of Income Tax Act 1961. So you should surrender one of your PAN as soon as possible. You can surrender the pan card to you offline and online.

For this you must first visit nsdl’s website. Click on “Application Type” here, followed by “Changes or Correction in existing PAN Data/Data”. Select the Reprint of PAN Card option “No changes in existing PAN Data)” option.

Then a form will open, fill it out and click on the Submit button. After submitting you will generate a token number. It will be found on your email and through messages on mobile. Then you need to click on “Continue with PAN Application Form”.
Select the “Submit scanned images through e-Sign” option on the new web page. Fill in your pan number detail in the lower-left part of the page that you want to maintain.



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