Big Alert! Aadhar cards of crores of people became invalid after this order of UIDAI! quick check

Big Alert! Aadhar cards of crores of people became invalid after this order of UIDAI! quick check
Big Alert! Aadhar cards of crores of people became invalid after this order of UIDAI! quick check

New Delhi. Aadhar Latest News: A big news has come out regarding Aadhar card. UIDAI has now declared the PVC Aadhaar card prepared from the market as invalid.

It has been said that only Aadhar PVC cards issued by UIDAI are valid. Any person can get this Aadhaar card by paying a fee of Rs 50.

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UIDAI has informed about the invalidity of PVC Aadhar Card made from the market in a tweet. Aadhar card has become a very important document in today’s era. This is required for almost all essential works. So if you have also got PVC Aadhar card made from your nearest shop, change it and apply for new one in UIDAI (Aadhaar card apply).

Why is it invalid?

A few days back, UIDAI itself had issued the Aadhaar PVC card. Being of ATM, Office Icard or Debit card size, it is easy to carry in pocket or purse. It has many security features (Aadhaar PVC card security features). For example, by scanning the QR code in the PVC Aadhaar, your identity can be verified instantly. But the mess happened that instead of getting PVC Aadhar card from UIDAI according to their convenience, people made it from the shops near them.

Such Aadhar card not secure

Such Aadhar cards do not have security features and are insecure. That is why UIDAI has now advised not to use the copy of PVC Aadhaar from the open market. UIDAI said in a tweet, “We absolutely do not support the use of copy of PVC Aadhaar from the market as it does not have any security features. You can order Aadhar PVC Card by paying Rs.50/- (inclusive of GST and Speed ​​Post charges).”

Only this is valid

UIDAI said that Aadhaar or Aadhaar letter downloaded from or M-Aadhaar profile or Aadhaar PVC card, issued by UIDAI, will be same as Aadhaar card. Can be used for connected work.

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