Big News Post office: 8 schemes of the post office, which will make you a millionaire in a few years, know how to invest

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Post office Big scheme Update: Many schemes are being run by the post office. If you are also thinking of making any investment, then you can easily invest in the post office, this gives you a good return in a short period of time. Let’s know about these 8 schemes .

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Today post office does not mean only post office. With the changing times, the post office has also changed itself. All the facilities are being available in the post office (post office ki scheme) which you get in any bank.
Not only this, the post office is constantly innovating to keep itself updated in the age of technology. The post office is running such schemes, due to which the common man is getting facilities like Bank. Also, the best thing is that here you also get a strong post office scheme return.

Post Office Monthly Income Scheme (MIS)

In the Regular Monthly Income Scheme of the Post Office, the customer gets an interest of 6.60 percent. This interest varies according to every financial year. To take advantage of this scheme, the customer has to keep a minimum of 1000 rupees in his account. At the same time, the customer can keep a maximum of Rs 4.5 lakh in the account. On the other hand, up to Rs 9 lakh can be deposited in a joint account (post office joint account).

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Post Office Savings Account

On opening a savings account in the post office, the customer gets an annual interest of 4 percent. You can open a savings account in post office with a cash amount of Rs 500. Along with this, the post office also gives the facility to open a joint account. On opening this account, you also get the benefit of check book, ATM card, e-banking, mobile banking, Aadhar seeding, Atal Pension Yojana Prime Minister etc.

Complete details of Senior Citizen Saving Scheme of Post Office (SCSS)

The Senior Citizen Saving Scheme or POSCSS scheme has been run for senior citizens. The tenure of this scheme is 55 years. An interest of 7.4 percent is available under this scheme. Interest is earned on a quarterly basis. While opening these accounts, keep in mind that the person should have attained 60 years of age as on that date. Investment under SCSS scheme provides benefits under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act.

Five years recurring deposit

Recurring deposit account can be opened in the post office with a minimum investment of Rs 100 per month. The current interest rate on post office RD is 5.8% per annum. The account can be opened singly or jointly in the name of a minor above 10 years of age and a mentally challenged person.

Time Deposit Scheme (TD) can be opened from 1 year to 5 years in POST OFFICE. This account can be opened in minimum 1000 rupees, there is no maximum limit for this. The current interest rate on post office TD is 5.5 per cent to 6.7 per cent per annum.

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Accounts under Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana can be opened after the birth of a girl child before the age of 10 years. This account can be opened in just Rs.250. On this, you get interest at the rate of 7.6 percent per annum, which is much higher than the fixed deposit. In this, a maximum of 1.5 lakh rupees can be deposited in a financial year. Investing in this scheme also gives tax exemption under 80C.

Post Office Public Provident Fund Available

At present, 7.1 percent interest is being given on the amount deposited in Post Office Public Provident Fund (PPF) accounts. This account can be opened for 15 years. At the same time, it can be extended for a further 5 years. Account can be opened in PPF with a minimum of Rs 500. In this, a minimum investment of Rs 500 has to be made in a financial. At the same time, you can invest up to a maximum of 1.5 lakh rupees in the account in a year.

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You will get, Post Office National Savings Certificate

The investment in the POST OFFICE National Saving Certificate (NSC) earns an interest of 6.8 percent per annum. You can invest in this for 5 years. The amount deposited in the national savings certificate is tax exempt under section 80C of the Income Tax Act. To open an NSC account, you have to invest a minimum of Rs 1000.

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