Business Idea : If your job is not enough then start this side business, you will earn bumper income.

Business Idea : If your job is not enough then start this side business, you will earn bumper income.
Business Idea : If your job is not enough then start this side business, you will earn bumper income.

Business:  If you work and are not able to earn much money, then there is no need to worry now. Today we are going to tell you about a high earning business. You can do this business along with your job also. Let us know in the news below how much it will cost to start a business.

Nowadays people take many measures to increase their income along with their job. Some people increase their income through investment while others increase their income through side business. If you are also thinking of earning some extra income along with your job, then we are giving some better ideas for you. In which you can easily earn lakhs of rupees every month sitting at home with very little investment. These are such businesses. In which you will earn more than your job.

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These are many businesses like chalk, bindi, envelope, candle making. Whose marketing can be done both online and offline. With this you can earn good profits every month. You can do such side business.

Chalk Making Business

Chalk making is a business which requires very little investment. You can start this easily sitting at home. We all know that chalk is required in all schools and colleges. Not much material is required to make chalk. You can start it with just Rs 10,000. In this, colored chalk can also be made along with white chalk. Let us tell you that chalk is mainly made from Plaster of Paris. It is a white colored powder. It is a type of soil which is prepared from a stone called Gypsum.

Bindi making business

The demand for bindi has increased a lot in the market these days. Earlier only married women used to wear bindi, but now girls have also started the trend of wearing bindi. Not only this, women in foreign countries have also started wearing Bindi. In such a situation, there has been a huge increase in its demand. You can start the bindi making business from home by investing only Rs 12,000.

Envelope Making Business

Making envelopes is a very simple and cheap business. This is a product made from paper or card board etc. It is mostly used for packaging. Which is used for packaging things like papers, greeting cards etc. This is an evergreen business. That means there will be income every month in this business. If you start this business from home, you will have to invest Rs 10,000 to Rs 30,000 and if you make envelopes by installing a machine, then you will have to invest Rs 2,00,000 to Rs 5,00,000.

Candle making business

This business has changed a lot with time. Whereas earlier candles were used for lighting when the lights went out, now its use has increased in decorating birthdays, houses and hotels also. In such a situation, the demand for candles has increased a lot. If you want to start this business, you can start it from home by investing Rs 10,000 to 20,000.

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