CBSE 2023-24 Exam: Important information for 10th-12th students, new preparation of CBSE, changes in evaluation system-weightage, will get benefits

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Big preparations are being done by CBSE. Under this, changes can be made in the weightage and evaluation system for the upcoming board exams. Preparations are being made for this. In fact, preparations have been made to reduce the weightage regarding the 2024 exam. Whereas more focus on MCQ question is being considered.

CBSE 2024, CBSE Exam 2023-24: Important update for CBSE 10th and 12th board students. Changes in the evaluation scheme for CBSE Board Exam 2024 have been announced. Along with this, preparations are being made to focus more on multiple choice questions. Which will make it easier for the students to prepare for the exam. It will be of great help to the students in solving the exam questions.

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Preparations are being made to change the evaluation weightage of 10th and 12th. There will be a reduction in the weightage given to short and long answer questions while more focus will be given to Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). Changes are being made as per the recommendation of the National Education Policy.

This change will help students to give priority to creative and critical thinking abilities rather than rote learning. It is believed that the changes can be implemented only from the academic session of 2023-24. For the same further course, new reforms are expected to be introduced after the new National Curriculum Framework.

Giving information, CBSE Director Joseph Emmanuel said that for the board academic session 2023-24, a change in the examination evaluation question is being initiated. Merit Center is aligning the assessment of education.

Weightage of questions based on 10th board exam

The questions based in class 10th board exam will be merit based. In which case based questions including multiple choice questions, source based integrated questions and other format questions will be included. According to the information, the weightage of these types of questions is 40% in the last academic session. The objective type questions will be specifically set in the form of MCQs for this grade level. Whose total weightage will be 20% while preparations are being made to reduce the weightage of short answer and long answer questions from 40 to 30%.

Weightage of questions based on 12th board exam

Same in class 12th board exam 40% questions will be qualifying center. Which will include MCQs, case based questions apart from source based questions and other formats. At the same time, their weightage will also be increased. The weightage of these questions in the previous academic session is 30%. Whereas for grade level these questions will be objective type and will have a weightage of 20%. The weightage of short and long answer type questions has been reduced from 50 percent to 40 percent.

New guidelines issued

Under the new guideline, CBSE is preparing to add 20% MCQ based question for class 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th in the academic session of 2023 to 24. 50% questions in the board exam 2024 for class IX and X will be MCQs. MCQs for Board Exams 2024 for 11th-12th will have Aptitude Based Questions, Source Based and Case Based Questions consisting of 40% each.

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