CBSE Board Exam 2023: CBSE did this work for the students of class 10th and 12th Will get help in preparing for the exam, know in details

CBSE Board Exam 2023: CBSE did this work for the students of class 10th and 12th Will get help in preparing for the exam, read the full news
CBSE Board Exam 2023: CBSE did this work for the students of class 10th and 12th Will get help in preparing for the exam, read the full news

CBSE board exams are starting on 15th February. For which the board has released the practice papers on the official website.

CBSE Board Exam 2023 : 10th and 12th class board exams are near. Exams are going to be held from 15 February 2023 at various centers of the country. The Class 10 exams will continue till March 21. Whereas the class 12th exam will end on 5th April. The Central Board of Secondary Education has released the practice papers to help the students in their exam preparation. All the students who are going to appear in the board exam can download it by visiting the official website.

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Students will get benefit

Practice papers are available on the official website for both class 10th and class 12th, which have been released for various subjects. It will help the students to understand the marking scheme and pattern of the question paper. Also knowing the style of mark distribution will also help. The board exams will be conducted for 3 hours, which will be of 80 marks. The question papers of all subjects except English will be divided into 5 sections. You can download the practice papers by following the steps given below.

Download like this

  • First of all go to the official website of CBSE
  • Now go to the question bank section.
  • Go to the Additional Practice Questions section here.
  • Now select the subjects as per your requirement and download the PDF.
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