CBSE Board Exam Date Sheet 2024: Exam dates will be released soon, see latest update regarding tight table here

CBSE Board Exam Date Sheet 2024: Exam dates will be released soon, see latest update regarding tight table here
CBSE Board Exam Date Sheet 2024: Exam dates will be released soon, see latest update regarding tight table here

CBSE Board Exam Time Table: CBSE Board 10th and 12th exam dates will be released soon. What is the latest update regarding this and where can you check after the release of the time table? Learn.

CBSE Board 10th-12th Exams 2024 Time Table: Central Board of Secondary Education will soon release the schedule of CBSE Board 10th and 12th exams. Those candidates who are appearing for the CBSE board examinations this time can check the examination schedule on the official website of the board after its release.

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To do this, the address of the official website of the Central Board of Secondary Education is – Keep checking this website from time to time to get the latest updates. Do not believe the information received through any other medium.

What is the latest update?

If media reports are to be believed, the CBSE Board 10th and 12th exam dates can be announced in the first week of December. There are only two days left for the end of November, so the datesheet can be released any time now.

These are the possible dates

Also know that CBSE Board has not yet sent any official information regarding the dates of theory exam. Practical exams will be conducted from the month of January and regarding theory exams, it is likely that these exams will start from February. The probable date of the exam is said to be between 15th February to 10th April. However, changes are possible in this and nothing can be said for sure before the official information comes.

Download it like this after release

After the release of CBSE Board 10th and 12th exam dates, first go to the official website to download the time table. That is, on

  • Apart from this, you can also visit
  • Here go to the section named Latest and click on the schedule of class 10th or 12th for which you want to see.
  • By doing this the datasheet will open.
  • Check from here on which day the exam will be conducted.
  • You can also download it and take a print out.
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