Credit Card : Use Credit Card in These 5 Ways, There Will Never be Any Penalty; Will only Benefit

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Credit Card Benefits : How beneficial is travel credit card, know its features and benefits

The number of digital transactions in the country has increased rapidly in the last few years. Amidst the growing trend of digital transactions, people pay in different ways besides debit cards, credit cards.

The number of digital transactions in the country has increased rapidly in the last few years. Amidst the growing trend of digital transactions, people pay in different ways apart from debit cards, credit cards.

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But in the midst of all this, the general belief of some people is that shopping with a credit card costs more. Not only this, some people also believe that shopping with credit card means penalty. Let us tell you here about 5 ways to use a credit card.

If used like this, it will be beneficial

Some people find even paying the card bill on time is not less than a problem. They are afraid that if the credit card payment is late even for a day, then penalty will have to be paid.

But if you have a little understanding while using it, then it is a profitable deal for you. Here we are telling you 5 such ways by which you will get many more benefits apart from saving money.

Shopping at e-commerce companies

You can save money by shopping on e-commerce portals. All e-commerce companies offer extra discounts by tie-up with the credit card issuing bank. Through the credit card, you can take advantage of instant discount as well as no-cost EMI, extra cashback offer. During the sale of e-com companies, you can see which company’s credit card is offering more discounts.

Shop with reward points

You get reward points for shopping with credit cards. Once you accumulate Reward Points, you can cash them in or order anything from them. Credit card issuing banks give 20 paise to 75 paise per reward point. For example, if you have 10 thousand points, then you can take two to seven and a half thousand items for free.

co-branded credit card

Co-branded credit cards are issued in association with a particular company. If you use this type of card in super market, air travel, petrol filling etc. then co-branded credit card is beneficial. With this, you can earn points and use them to pay bills with co-branded partners.

Take advantage of cash back offer

Many times cash back offers are given by credit card issuing banks. It has different rules. Knowing these rules, if you do shopping or pay electricity, water, phone bills etc., then you will definitely benefit.

Do not wait for the last date for payment

Always pay the credit card dues a day or two before the last date. If you do not do this then you may have to pay a penalty, which will also reduce your bill. Loans are easily provided by the bank to those with better credit scores at low interest rates.


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