New Delhi, Tech Desk. The name of Reliance Jio has also been added to the companies leaking users’ personal information. Reliance Jio launched the simptam checker tool for Coronavirus in March this year. In this tool, the information of COVID-19 test uploaded by users has been leaked without password. According to a TechCrunch report, the security database in this COVID-19 Symptom Checker Tool has leaked the core database, in which the COVID-19 test results of the users were exposed without a password. However, Reliance Jio has since rectified the data error.
According to a TechCrunch report, security researcher Anurag Sen approached the publisher on May 1 to report on the data leak. After this bug report, Reliance Jio made the data offline. This test report included information about the age of the user and their relative, gender etc. Also, all the information entered to create the profile was also leaked online. Not only this, it also included health related information related to COVID-19.
In some cases, information about the location of users was also included, in which the name of the city was also recorded. Most of the information in the leaked data was from users in Mumbai and Pune, while in some records, North America and United Kingdom were also recorded in the location. After the information of the users came out, a spokesperson for Reliance Jio said that we have taken the data offline. We acted on it shortly after reporting the bug. The logging server was set up to monitor the performance of our website, which was intended to detect the symptoms of COVID-19 through a self-check.