Employees Retirement Age: You will get the benefit of 3 years of service increase, will retire at the age of 65, guidelines issued

Retirement Age Update- New update! Retirement age of employees may be increased by 5 years, know update here
Retirement Age Update- New update! Retirement age of employees may be increased by 5 years, know update here

Employees teachers of the state will get the benefit of 3 years more service increment. Guidelines have been issued for this. Under the issued guidelines, if the officers and employees present the health certificate, then they will be given the benefit of more service for 3 years.

Employees Retirement Age: There is good news for the employee teachers of the state. In fact, a guideline has been issued for the maximum age limit for work. Teachers and employees will continue to serve through this guide line. They will be retired after the same maximum age limit.

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In the guideline issued by the Directorate of Public Instruction, it has been said that the age limit for teachers has been fixed at 65 years. Teachers will be retired after working for 65 years.

Service benefits till the age of 65 years of teacher employee

It was written in the guide line that according to clause 5.6.1 of the state government’s order related to the invitation of guest teachers, there is a provision to give service benefits till the age of 65 years to the teacher employee. After this retired teachers can be taken for the work of guest teacher till the age of 65 years.

Guideline released

In the issued guideline, the maximum age limit has been fixed in the invitation for the guest teacher. For which important instructions have also been given. A copy of the guideline has been sent to all district education officers, development block education officers, cluster principals and principals of high schools and higher secondary schools.

Issued instructions

Under this, the age limit for guest teachers has been fixed at 62 years. The benefit of service can be taken from them till the age of 62 years. At the same time, SMDC can also demand health check-up certificate from SMC guest teacher. Apart from this, according to 5.6.7, if the guest teacher submits the health certificate, then he can be given a chance of service benefits up to the age limit of 65 years.

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