Employees Salary Update : Important news for employees, update on salary payment, salary will be deducted for strike days… know complete details


Let us tell you that the employees had started an indefinite strike from 29th September and had announced to end the strike on 21st October. He took charge from 23rd October as 22nd October was Sunday.

Employees Salary Update: Important news has come to light regarding the salary of the striking employees of Shimla Zilla Parishad of Himachal Pradesh. The news is that these employees will be paid after deducting the salary for the days of strike. A proposal in this regard has been made and sent to the state government, which is yet to be approved. Let us tell you that the employees had recently gone on strike for about 23 days and after that the strike was called off.

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Salary will be deducted for 23 days

According to the information, recently about 4500 employees providing services under the Zilla Parishad had gone on strike for 23 days between September and October regarding their demands. The employees had started an indefinite strike from 29th September and on 21st October It was announced to end the strike. Since 22nd October was a Sunday, he had taken charge from 23rd October, hence now a letter has been written from the districts to the Panchayati Raj Directorate regarding what should be done regarding the salaries of the striking employees and the state government has been asked to take a decision in this regard. Has gone.

No work no pay rule will be implemented

Here, the employees providing services under the Zilla Parishad who were not on strike have been released their salaries. The same employees who were on strike have not been released their salaries. It is believed that no work no pay will be applicable on the striking employees as this is a provision in the law. Under this, holidays will also be deducted. However, if the salary is received after the implementation of No Work No Pay, then the holidays will be deducted. Those who do not have leaves, their salary will be deducted. At present, the answer to all these questions is awaited from the state government, at present a file has been sent to the state government in this regard, in which no decision has been taken yet.

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