File Annual Returns : Last date of 30th November will not be extended, companies should file their annual returns soon

File Annual Returns : Last date of 30th November will not be extended, companies should file their annual returns soon
File Annual Returns : Last date of 30th November will not be extended, companies should file their annual returns soon

File Annual Returns: The MCA21 portal is functioning smoothly and there will be no extension of the last date for filing annual returns, which is November 30. The due date for filing financial statements for FY23 has ended at the end of October.

File Annual Returns: There will be no extension of November 30, the due date for filing annual returns for FY23 for companies. A person familiar with the matter said that statutory filings have become stable in the MCA21 portal, which is undergoing a major change.

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Earlier this year, the government had given additional time to file more than 50 statutory forms without additional fees due to IT upgradation of the system.

It was informed that the MCA21 portal is working smoothly and there will be no extension for filing the annual return, the last date of which is November 30. The due date for filing financial statements for FY23 has ended at the end of October.

Let us tell you that the due date for filing the annual return varies from company to company, depending on the date of holding the Annual General Meeting after the end of the financial year.

The maximum time available to hold an AGM is six months after the end of the financial year and companies have two months to file the annual return.

Why filing is important

These filings give a clear picture of the company’s registration and other corporate information about its management, parent company, subsidiaries and associates and operational details about business activities.

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