Good news for millions of Railway employees! You will not have to worry about holidays, this work will be done through mobile app only.

Good news for millions of Railway employees! You will not have to worry about holidays, this work will be done through mobile app only.
Good news for millions of Railway employees! You will not have to worry about holidays, this work will be done through mobile app only.

Railway Employees Holidays: There is good news for lakhs of railway employees. Now employees can apply for leave from their mobile app.

Railway Employees Holidays: Railway Board has given big relief to lakhs of railway employees. Now employees will not have any problem in applying for leaves. Railway Board said that changes have been made in the leave module of the mobile app HRMS (Human Resource Management System) for the employees, which will make it easier for the employees to apply for leaves.

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The module was launched in August

Railway Board said that this module was started on August 1, 2023 to digitalize the process of applying for leave. Now employees have been given the facility to apply for leave through this mobile application.

Railway Board said this

In a letter written by the Railway Board to all railway zones on November 4, 2023, it said, “To further improve the user interface for employees, the facility to apply for certain types of leaves will be added to the mobile app of HRMS with immediate effect.” Was awarded.”

In a separate letter to all zones, the Board informed about the steps taken to streamline leave management operations and update the leave accounts of all employees through the HRMS app.

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