Great offers from Post office! Get the benefit of lakhs in just Rs 5000, see here instantly

Post Office Scheme: 2 lakh interest will be given on depositing 5 lakh in this scheme, know scheme details
Post Office Scheme: 2 lakh interest will be given on depositing 5 lakh in this scheme, know scheme details

Post office Great Offers: Millions of people lost their jobs due to the closure of factories during the lockdown due to Corona virus infection. After this, earning money in front of people remains a big challenge. Meanwhile, if you do not have a job and you want to earn money, then this news means a lot to you.

You can earn big every month through post office. For this only 5000 rupees will have to be spent and after that you can easily earn lakhs of rupees annually.

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Let us tell you that franchise is being given like a post office, that is, you can earn money by opening a post office. At present there are about 1.55 lakh post offices in the country. Even after this, the reach of the post office has not been made at all places.

Keeping this in mind, the franchise is being given. Let us tell you that two types of franchises are given by the post office. In this, the first franchisee is that of the outlet and the second is the postal agents franchise. You can take any of these franchises. Apart from this, agents who deliver postal stamps and stationery door to door in urban and rural areas. It is known as Postal Agents Franchisee.

The age of the person taking the franchise should be more than 18 years.

Any Indian citizen can take a post office franchise.

– The person taking the franchise must have 8th pass certificate from a recognized school.

To apply for the franchise, first of all, the form has to be filled and submitted.

On selection, an MoU has to be signed with India Post.

To take this franchise, you will have to spend only 5000 rupees. After getting a franchise, you can earn through commission. It depends on your work how much you can earn.


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