Great opportunity to get job in Agricultural Department, Will get 1 lakh 77 thousand salary

Great opportunity to get job in Agricultural Department, Will get 1 lakh 77 thousand salary
Great opportunity to get job in Agricultural Department, Will get 1 lakh 77 thousand salary

ASRB Recruitment 2023: The Agricultural Scientist Recruitment Board has recruited many posts. For which candidates can apply till April 10 by visiting the official site.

​ASRB Jobs 2023: The Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board has decided to recruit many posts by issuing a recruitment notification. For which candidates can apply by visiting the official site The application process for this recruitment has started. Interested and eligible candidates can apply for this recruitment drive till 10 April. CBT exam (CBT) will be organized for the selection of candidates for these posts.

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A total of 195 posts will be recruited through this recruitment drive. In which the posts of Specialist and Senior Technical Officer etc. are included. Candidates applying for the recruitment should have post graduation degree in the relevant subject from a recognized university and other prescribed eligibility.

ASRB Jobs 2023: Age Limit

According to the notification, the minimum age of the candidates applying for this recruitment should be 21 years and the maximum age should be 35 years. However, relaxation in the upper age limit will be given to the reserved category candidates.

ASRB Jobs 2023: Selection will be like this

Computer Based Test (CBT) / Interview / Medical Test will be organized for the selection of candidates for these posts.

ASRB Jobs 2023: How much salary will you get?

According to the notification, the selected candidates will be given Rs 56 thousand 100 to Rs 1 lakh 77 thousand 500 per month as salary.

ASRB Jobs 2023: This much application fee will have to be paid

For this recruitment drive, candidates have to pay the application fee. For this campaign, candidates will have to pay Rs 1,000 as application fee.

ASRB Jobs 2023: Last date to apply

Candidates can apply for this recruitment by 10 April 2023 by visiting the official website. For more details candidates can take help of official website.

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