How to Get a Promotion at Work: Tips & Advice


How to Get a Promotion at Work: Tips & Advice

Getting a promotion is every working professional’s ultimate aim. But majority of us don’t really know how to get a promotion at work, as it is not automatically going to come to you. Your manager takes a lot more things into consideration before nominate you for the promotion or sanction it. However, there are certain ways to request and ask for a promotion diplomatically and to enhance your candidature for the same.

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Before you ask for the promotion, it is your duty to ensure that you’re doing all the right things to support your requirement and expect a positive outcome.

Here is the list of some of the factors managers consider when they evaluate employees for promotion.

Do a Great Job. Working hard is important but working smart is the key. Your manager will consider your promotion from your performance in your current role. When the decision is going to be made, excellent performance and your reputation as an above-average resource will carry a lot of weight.

Be a Team Player. You have to be prompt to volunteer to help with new projects. You need to time to time offer your help to your seniors or colleagues. By doing this you will be known as a team player and soon will be considered as a colleague everyone wants to work with.

Don’t Miss Work. You have to literally treat work as your worship. Do not take more time off than you are expected and always be on time for work. If among your employees you are known as a person who waste time hanging around and lacks focus then it will be held against you.

Network and Get Noticed. Being social at work holds importance. Do not miss company parties and gatherings. You have to be connected and engaged with your fellow colleagues, this will let you have a good chance of getting promoted because a positive team player who works hard and socialize well would always be the first choice of managers for promotion.

Continue Your Education. Always try to enhance your skill sets, all organizations wants to retain and promote employees who would benefit them in a long run. So, if your company provides learning opportunities  for professional development always take advantage of the opportunity. By doing this your technical skills will be at top level.

How to Ask for a Promotion to Your Manager

Now that you have been doing hard work, showing good networking skills and doing all that it takes to be a good candidate for promotion, the big question arises that ‘How to ask for it?’. Below mentioned points will help you strike the discussion well.

Be Prepared to Ask. Your manager may recognize your star qualities and offer you a promotion. Well it’s much easier when it happens without any asking. However, in some cases when the organization structure is somewhat different or the work you are doing is not getting noticed for some reasons you may even have to ask or apply for the promotion.

Discuss With Your Boss. This is an important thing to do. You manager should be well aware that you are interested in a particular vacant position in the company. Before the Human Resource team tells him, it makes sense to discuss about your interest with him first. Also, it makes sense to ask your seniors for their help in the transition, if you are selected for the position you applied.

Check Open Job Listings Regularly. Many large companies and smaller ones take out a list job openings on the company website. Some positions out of them may be open for internal candidates to consider before they make it available for external candidates. These are called as ‘Internal Job Postings’. You should keep a good check on the new job listings that suits your profile and experience well on your company portal so that you be ahead of the competition.

Ace the Promotion Interview. Yes, you might be interviewed again for the higher position in some cases. Whether you are being considered or applying for a higher job profile within the same organization you would need to sit in an interview for the same. Here are the tips for performing well in a job interview, so that it is easier for you to move up to the next career ladder.

Take the Time to Say Goodbye. If everything goes well and you are offered the promotion, then it is advisable to say goodbye to your colleagues from previous team and let them know about your interest to stay in touch with them. However, one should allow the company to break this news first before you do and let your colleagues know. Once the formal announcement is made then be ready with your thank you letter and say goodbye in a proper manner.

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