Important information for employees, Ministry issued order, fixed rules for retirement age and salary recovery

Retirement Age Update- New update! Retirement age of employees may be increased by 5 years, know update here
Retirement Age Update- New update! Retirement age of employees may be increased by 5 years, know update here

New orders have been issued by the Ministry for the employees. In which other important guidelines including verification of emoluments, date of retirement have been issued under their pension rules. It will be mandatory to follow these rules in the recovery of salary of the employees.

Employees Emoluments Verification: There is big news for the employees. Important instructions have been issued by the department regarding recovery from their salary after the age of retirement. A new order has been issued by the Ministry in this regard. In which it was said that the veracity of the emoluments of the employees retiring on superannuation should be verified. New orders were issued by the Ministry on retirement including pay fixation, pay recovery.

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The issued order states that attention is drawn to Rule 78 of the Railway Services (Pension) Rules, 1993, which provides that the Head of Office shall prepare the pension papers of the retiring railway servants within one year from the date the date on which the employee retires on superannuation or the date on which he proceeds on leave preparatory to retirement, whichever is earlier.

Salary recovery rules fixed
Further, Rule 79(1)(b)(v) of the aforesaid Pension Rules and Rule 1023 of the Indian Railway Code for the Accounts Department have been prescribed to ensure that emoluments during the last ten months of service are shown correctly. Under the Service Book Rule, the Head of Office can verify the correctness of emoluments only for a period of twenty four months preceding the date of retirement of a railway servant, verification cannot be carried out for any period prior to the period of twenty four months .

Salary recovery from settlement arrears of railway servants
Also, Board’s letter no. F(E)III/2008/PN1/11 dated 06.02.2009, instructions have been issued to the Personnel and Accounts Department of Zonal Railways advising them to verify the correctness of emoluments of railway servants at regular intervals and one such review should be carried out before retirement. should be made at the beginning of the third year before the date of superannuation so that the irregularity in pay and allowances may be rectified and the pay of the railway servant may be recovered well in advance of retirement.

Now, a recognized union (AIRF) in the meeting of PNM has raised the issue that settlement dues of railway servants who retired due to wrong pay fixation long time back are being recovered, which is a huge burden for the retiring railway servants. There is an economic loss and economic hardship.

In view of this it is directed that Rule 78 and 79 of Railway Service (Pension) Rules, 1993, provisions and instructions contained in Rule 1023 of Indian Railway Code for Accounts Department and Board’s letter No. F(E)III/2008/ PN 1/11 dated 06.02.2009 may be strictly followed so that no hardship is caused to the Railway servants retiring as a result of re-fixation of their pay at the time of retirement due to incorrect fixation of pay.

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