Indian Passport: Good news! Status of Indian passport increased, now you can travel to 59 countries without visa

Global Passport Power Rankings 2024 Update: 6 Countries are on top in terms of most powerful passports, Check India rank
Global Passport Power Rankings 2024 Update: 6 Countries are on top in terms of most powerful passports, Check India rank

New Delhi. Henley Passport Index: The Indian passport has climbed 7 places to 83rd position in the Henley Passport Index.

Singapore and Japan jointly rank first in this ranking. With the improvement in ranking, Indian passport holders can now travel to 59 countries without a visa. In ranking, the condition of Pakistan is worse than Somalia and Yemen.

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The Indian Passport Ranking has improved in the Henley Passport Index. It has now come to the 83rd place by climbing seven ranks. The Henley Passport Index ranks the world’s most powerful passports based on data released by the International Air Transport Association (IATA).

The strength of the passport of any country is based on how many countries can be traveled without a visa with the passport of that country. Now India’s passport can travel in 59 countries without a visa. Singapore and Japan jointly rank first in the ranking of the world’s most powerful passports. With the passports of both these countries, a total of 192 countries of the world can be visited without a visa.

go here without visa
Visa free travel in 59 countries means that you can go, roam, stay in those countries only with the help of Indian passport. But there is a time limit on where you will be allowed to stay for how many days. Countries that can go without a visa include Nepal, Bhutan, Maldives, Fiji, Indonesia, Qatar, Palestine, Macau, Barbados, British Virgin Islands, Dominica, El Salvador, Jamaica, Northern Cyprus, Senegal, Serbia, Trinidar and Tobago, Tunisia And apart from countries like Turks and Caicos Islands, many more countries are included.

Passports are ranked since 2006
The Henley Passport Index has been ranking passports every year since 2006, showing which countries have the most free passports in the world. However, due to the Kovid epidemic for the last two years between the last 16 years, passport ranking has become even more important. The restrictions being imposed due to the Kovid epidemic have not been included in the ranking of passports.

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