Instagram goes down, Android users in India are having trouble


New Delhi:  Popular photo sharing app Instagram went down in many parts of the world including India. Due to which users are having a lot of difficulty in accessing it. The problem of Instagram being down, especially among Android users, was revealed in large numbers. After which users started complaining about it on other social media accounts Twitter and Facebook.

According to the Down Detector website, more than 800 complaints have surfaced since Instagram went down. In which users said that they are having trouble in newsfeed and scrolling. At the same time, some users also said that Instagram is crashing repeatedly on opening the reels.

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The problem of Instagram being down started at 3 pm on December 18, after which users started complaining about it. It lasted till 5 pm during complaints. Where users expressed displeasure over Instagram being down. At the same time, many users also made fun of it. Let me tell you that this problem was not on a large scale, it was seen only among some Android phone users.

Also Read: Instagram rolls out two new features, will help in the fight against Kovid-19

Instagram users shared this problem on Twitter. Shortly, the #Instagramdown and #Instagramcrash hashtags trended on Twitter. One user made fun of Google and Insta and wrote that you have become exactly like me. At the same time, a user wrote that fix this problem soon, I have to put a birthday story. Apart from this, some users were confirming on social media that Instagram has indeed come down or there has been a fault in their phone. However, by the night Instagram Down’s problem was fixed. But so far, the company has not disclosed what caused the problem, nor has it released any official statement.

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