Invesco Mutual Fund launches new scheme, know special things


An investment in the scheme can be started with a minimum of Rs 1,000. It will invest in a maximum of 20 shares.

Invesco Mutual Fund has launched a new scheme. Its name is Invesco India Focused 20 Equity Fund. It is an open ended multicap equity scheme. This means there is no lock-in period. It will invest in a maximum of 20 shares. The new fund offer (NFO) of this scheme has been opened for investment. It will close on 23 September.

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NFO is the new scheme of an asset management company. Through this, a mutual fund company raises money from investors to invest in instruments such as shares, government bonds.

An investment in the scheme can be started with a minimum of Rs 1,000. The minimum application amount for SIP is 500 rupees. If up to 10% of the units are redeemed within one year from the date of allotment, the scheme will not charge any exit load.

At the same time, if more than 10 percent of the units are redeemed within one year from the date of allotment, then one percent exit load will be charged. There will be no exit load charge if the units are redeemed after one year from the date of allotment.

Investco India Focused 20 Equity Fund will invest well in every stock. In doing so, proper diversification will also be maintained. Right now a large part of the portfolio (around 50-70 per cent) will be invested in largecap stocks. Investments in midcap stocks will be kept in the range of 30-50 per cent. Investment in smallcap shares will be in the range of 0-20 per cent.

both growth and value stocks in the service portfolio. The benchmark of the scheme will be the S&P BSE 500 TRI. The management of this fund will be the responsibility of Tahir Badshah. Tahir has over 26 years of experience in the Indian stock markets.

Saurabh Nanavati, CEO of Invesco Mutual Fund, said, “If you look at the data, you will find that some of the selected shares mostly contribute to the returns. Apart from this, there is a big difference in returns within sectors too. This emphasizes the need to choose the right stocks. ”

Nanavati also said, ” Through deep research and risk management process in the last 12 years, we have consistently delivered good returns. We have crossed the figure of 1 million investor accounts. It shows the confidence of investors on us. ”


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