invested !! Important news! If you have invested in property and do not tell the department, then be careful, know what is in the new circular

Property: Important news! When does the daughter have no right on the father's property? Know what is the law
Property: Important news! When does the daughter have no right on the father's property? Know what is the law

Important news for government babus. If you have invested in a property and have not given the information to your department, then action can be taken against you

According to the government order, many such complaints have been received in which the employee did not inform his office before investing in the property. They have also bought or booked properties without approval. This is wrong as per Rule (18) of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964.

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According to the Government order, as per Rule (18) of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964, all the Central employees are required to report the transactions related to movable/immovable property in their office and prior Approval is mandatory. In this case it has been found by the head office that this rule is not being followed by all the officers/employees. In many cases, the property deal has neither been informed in advance nor prior approval has been taken.

The applications filed by some of the employees for intimation/approval of the deal have also found several lapses. Due to this the time of the department is being wasted unnecessarily. Due to this the work of property noting is not completed within the stipulated time frame. Now some guidelines have been issued by the government to ensure that no employee makes any mistake.

Here are the guidelines

HS Tiwari, former president of AG Office Brotherhood, told that applications for information or approval of water transactions should be in the prescribed format as per rules. Form No.1 for immovable property and Form No.2 for movable property is given.

In relation to immovable property, when the officer has to deal with any person who is in any official dealing with him, giving prior notice to or taking approval of the dealing officer mandatory.

Booking of plot/flat etc. is also a type of deal or transaction as per Rule (18) of CCS (Conduct Rules), 1964, hence it also has to be approved/informed by the officer in advance. .

In respect of movable property, the same is to be intimated by the officer/employee within one month from the date of completion of the transaction whereas, if such transaction is taking place with a person having official dealings. It is mandatory to give prior intimation/approval in his office.

It is mandatory for the officer/employee to give clear details of the source of the amount to be spent in the transaction.

funding source

The following documents may be submitted to the funding source:

Regarding bank loan : Photocopy of the bank loan sanction letter, in which the loan amount and the terms of repayment are clearly printed.

In relation to the loan from the relative: The consent letter received by the relative regarding the loan, in which it is clear whether the loan is with interest or interest free and in it the terms of repayment of the loan and the source of income of the relative (from whom the loan has been taken) should be clear.

Contribution of Spouce/Family Member: Full details of the contributor’s employment if required.

Funding details from other sources:

In any case, it is not permissible to withdraw money from GPF for the second time for house construction. In this sequence, a certificate is required to be submitted by the applicant (employee/officer), in which 677 has been shown as a source of funds and it has also been clarified that he has never constructed a house (plot or built) in the past.

GPF withdrawal facility is not used for purchase of constructed flat etc.). The facts given by the applicant in the certificate have to be verified and accepted by the concerned officer only after checking their records.

If any transaction is done by the spouse of an officer/employee or any other member of the household out of their personal money (including gifts, inheritance etc.), over which the officer/employee himself has no right and neither If the same is done out of the funds of the officer/employee, then such transaction will not be covered under the provisions of CCS Conduct Rule 18 (2) and (3).

If any officer/employee transfers any of his immovable or movable property (which is in excess of the prescribed monetary limit) in the name of any other member of his household, by him in accordance with the provisions of Rule 18(2) & (3) It is mandatory to report such transaction to the competent authority or to obtain its prior approval from him.

In relation to the purchase of vehicles, etc., it is mandatory to have a photocopy of the Registration Certificate, HR Invoice and Invoice.


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